Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination #4

Greetings Barbarians! Long days and pleasant nights!

I am so blessed to have avid readers such as you guys. So, please know that my heart swells with gratitude, I’m so grateful for the appreciation you all gave to me. It warms my heart to read your comments and your messages on Twitter. For power to you all and thank you.

It’s my Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination #4 and we want to thank Charlene for the nomination! Let’s give her a round of applause and visit her blog @! Guys, all your nominations come off as a surprise and I appreciate it – so thank you all! I love connecting with you guys!

Charlene has some questions for me, and I hope I could give her some satisfying answers.

Here it goes:

If you were stranded on a deserted Island and you could have only 1 item, what would it be?

Any form of Firestarter, matches, lighters or a magnesium rod.

What did you have for dinner last night?

Beef Sinigang

What is the most useful thing that you own?

Right now, my laptop.

What is the first thing you notice about a person?

Again, this may sound controversial. But you can judge a man with his shoes.

What are some challenges you think the next generation will face?

I think the future generation would have a problem in following: Fitness, mental fortitude, emotional toughness, and skill mastery. People nowadays are more focused on their want for authenticity that sometimes they neglect their need for self-improvement.

On your worst day what can make everything better?


What makes you laugh the most?

The jokes my daughter makes.

What is something that you like to do that others would consider “weird” if they knew?

My sudden burst of songs into Madonna’s Material Girl and Britney’s Sometimes.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Reading, chores, shining my shoes.

Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?

Depends on the weight, if its lean muscle mass then I’d be a happy 280 pounder.

What do you think is the cleverest animal and why?

Not just the cleverest, but the meanest motherfuckers out there – Us…

My Nominations:

My Questions:

  • What are the aspects of your personal life that you are not open for discussion in your blog?
  • On the current state of things, how pleased are you with what is happening to you right now?
  • As much as we try to keep our envy in check; but it can also be a great motivator. Tell us about a person you envy the most and why?
  • Does your ego prevent you from getting help?
  • Can you tell us about a big event in your past that cause you the most suffering? Was there anything good that came from that? Tell us how it shaped you to be the person you are today?
  • Should women stick to being cardio bunnies or become chicks who lifts?
  • For the gentlemen, how comfortable are you wearing pink? For the ladies, what are your opinions on men who wear pink?
  • Jokes are a social lubricant, so tell us a joke that you are very fond of?
  • Is there any unconventional (but useful) skill that you want to acquire in the future?
  • Is there any specific topic you want me to write about in the future?
  • Now for the “Mr. A being Mr. A” question. Again, a bit of a disclaimer – this question is all for good humor. If you feel offended, you may choose not to answer. Ok then? Here we go: How do you like your pussy?

And that’s a wrap for #4. To my readers, I urge you to check out my nominees. They are fun to read and insightful. They offer eloquent poetry, titillating prose, social commentaries, and general life stories. For my nominees, congratulations in advance – you deserve to be recognized! Lastly, Thank you, Charlene! I appreciate this so much.

Again guys, let’s give them a round of applause!


The Rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you.

Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

Nominate new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog.

Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.


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32 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination #4

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    1. Well, along with our cleverness as a species; there is really no denying our penchant for destruction. But on the brightside I also believe that us, have an innate capacity for good.


  1. You can always judge a man by his shoes makes think of the movie Shawshank. Of course he said, ” who ever notices a man’s shoes. “. Anyways Congratulation on your 4 nomination. I know you are enjoying this by shinning your shoes or singing Madonna. Fun post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm the first questions is quite hard. Although fires offer warmth, they attract predators. I think I’d rather get an axe.
    And oooh Beef Sinigang…what is that? Sounds interesting 😮
    I wonder what’s your daughter’s reaction is (or going to be) when she reads all your posts 😂
    And wait…slow down…you LIKE to do chores? Really? My God.
    Thanks for the nomination and there are some serious thought-provoking questions! Hope you have a great day/night 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I choose fire, because it is 100% certainty that it will get cold or hungry. Then forage for possible weapon later on.

      Beef sinigang is a Filipino dish, it’s a tamarind based soup.

      And yep, I do my chores.f

      Liked by 1 person

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